by Bob Bihari » Thu May 05, 2011 10:06 am
Sorry I haven't thanked everyone for allowing my wife and I to tag along last Thursday. I'm still trying to get things sorted out from my trip up to the reunion last week. Though I was there only for one day, it was great to see Ft Benning & Jay Copley's award ceremony...but it's taken a mental toll. A lot of memories came flooding back & were a bit tough to deal with.... and today is hitting harder than usual.
All in all, it was great meeting you guys - most for the first time (at least back here).... Seeing Captain Copley receive the DSC was something really special. Glad I was able to see it finally happen.
I felt the presence of many honorable souls sitting with us in the stands that afternoon......
Never forget......
A Company '68. WIA An Bao