My Father, Richie Hornyak

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My Father, Richie Hornyak

Postby Kbailey1080 » Tue Oct 19, 2021 7:15 pm

Hello, I was wondering if anyone remembers my Father, Richard Hornyak. I'm trying to find out which unit he served with in 68. He was 1/50 B Company from September 67 to sometime in 1968, when he was infused with another unit, (Electric Strawberry?)I believe its the 25 Infantry, but I don't know if he was in a certain unit/company/etc. He passed away from Lung Cancer in April 2006. He rarely spoke of Vietnam until he was close to the end. He served as Commander of our local VFW for 2 years before he died. The Ladies' Auxiliary is creating a display for the Veterans, showing their photo, dates served, unit and unit patches. I'm just wondering if anyone remembers my Father. Even if someone doesn't remember him, maybe someone knows where he was infused to. Any help and information is appreciated. My sister listed completely inaccurate information about him when she submitted his obituary to this website. I would hate to have more wrong information on display in the post he commanded! Thanks again, and thank you all for your service!
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Re: My Father, Richie Hornyak

Postby Jim Sheppard » Fri Oct 22, 2021 2:14 pm

Please contact Jim Sheppard, Historian and website caretaker at All we have is a very brief obituary published in the Philadelphia Inquirer published in April of 2006. Not sure how any of that could be incorrect? But will await further details from you. It is doubtful anyone would know more than you have related in your post...but someone may come forward who remembers him from our Company "B". You may also look for his DD214 (Separation Document) which would have his service awards listed. I can explain how you can obtain a copy if you do not have one.
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