bow season started today in Virginia

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bow season started today in Virginia

Postby james » Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:16 pm

Hey John Topper,Russ Roth, I got me one today with my compound is a 82nd airborne bow made by bowtech. Man it is a great shooting bow. I am going to start me a stew tomorrow and have some tenderloin! Take care guys! James out.
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Re: bow season started today in Virginia

Postby Russ Roth » Sat Oct 03, 2009 11:49 pm


Good job!!! :arrow: :arrow: :!: We are leaving Thursday for rifle hunting but I have not bought a tag for years. I just walk around the woods for fun now days.

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Re: bow season started today in Virginia

Postby james » Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:52 am

Russ thanks. Yeah I stopped rifle shooting first,than I stopped muzzle loading they are both way to easy for me and when my family was lost to me from divorce I didn,t have the need to shoot any deer for their meat which we ate all the time. I stared shooting 3-d targets with my new bow and loved it and shoot every day now. I used to shoot recurve a long time ago but gave it up. I could of shot with a shotgun,muzzleloader,or rifle 14 deer yesterday but shooting one with a bow takes alot of skill and luck to get within bow range which is out to 40 yards for me. I don't shoot as well from 40 out. O'kay take care and good luck on your hunt. James out.
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Re: bow season started today in Virginia

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:02 pm

Although I am a degenerate fisherman, I have never hunted. Odd?...that after being an Armorer (Weapons specialist) for much of my three years with the 1/50th....I have not owned a rifle, pistol, shotgun or anything else since getting out of the service in 1968. Initially, I just did not have the time or money...but down the road, I suppose the desire was never really there. Not that I am against hunting...I can see the passion many of you have for hunting...and I think it is a positive thing in more ways than I can mention here...but Russ made me think of how I simply enjoy being out in nature at this stage of my life. On my recent trip to Hawaii....taking long hikes on mountain trails (With jungle vegitation I might add!) was often very spiritual.

I must say though, with all the wild turkeys that are appearing here in southern New Jersey, I have thought about hunting on occasion. Maybe after I retire. For now, it's only the Bass that have to be affraid!
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Re: bow season started today in Virginia

Postby Russ Roth » Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:03 pm

I don't just walk around the woods because I don't want to take an animal. In OR you have to draw a tag and usually you don't get one more than about every other year, if that often. BUT, they make you buy a hunting license to apply which I would not use for anything else. It really burns me the way they do that and I have complained but I just get told that's the way it is. I told them "No, it isn't. You're not getting any more of MY money until you change the way you operate." Guess, I really told them. :lol: I'm sure they really miss the small amount of $$ they would have gotten from me but it made me feel better. :shock: :roll: :bang: It costs a bit of money to apply now that I am out of state but it is the principle of the thing not the money.

I would certainly be out hunting if I had a tag. Have not had one for the 10 plus years I have lived in WA even though I did apply twice in that time. :x :x

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