Some good info

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Some good info

Postby Russ Roth » Sat Aug 29, 2009 10:39 am

Maybe you guys already knew this but I did not and only recently found this out. Many business's give a discount for former service. I took my DD214 to Lowes and they credited our credit card about 85 bucks on what I had bought in the last 30 days. We had them install new carpet a few days before the reunion and I went back with the receipt for that and walked out with $377.25 in cash. They would only give cash on that for some reason. I was a pretty happy camper. :D :D I called several other bussines's around town and most were willing to give varying types of $$$ off. :o :) :D

Just thought you might like to know if you didn't already. :mrgreen:

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Re: Some good info

Postby harley hawkins » Sun Aug 30, 2009 12:09 pm


Good job Man. I just called lowes as I had purcased a new refrigerator . They said I could get a 10% rebate if I came in with my DD214.
They said it is not something they give automatic. You have to ask for it. Carolyn and I are going to pick up our check this afternoon .

Mick Hawkins
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Re: Some good info

Postby Russ Roth » Tue Sep 01, 2009 12:22 am

Good deal. I used it again today. I think I spend too much @ Lowes. :bang: :mrgreen: :)

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Re: Some good info

Postby Jim Edwards » Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:16 pm

Thanks thats good to know.
I wonder if Home Depot does the same.
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Re: Some good info

Postby mick hawkins » Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:43 pm

Jim Edwards great to hear from you. I missed you at the reunion I sure thought you might be there. It was really great and I'm looking forward to 2011.I hope everything is o.k with you and tell Dottie and Jason I said hi.

I think it was so good of Russ to share the discount with Lowes with everyone. I know I never knew it and he put $120 in my pocket. I would buy Russ a beer but he doesn't drink beer, so I might just have to drink one for him. I also think it is so neat for Lowes to offer this discount to U.S service people. I know I support and promote them now.

Jim I never did call Bill Farrells brother. That is so hard to do and I glad you did. I have a picture of Bill and me in Nam and I remember it so well as we were goofing around that day. It could very well be the last picture of Bill alive.
If you are talking to Bills brother and he would like a copy of this picture let me know.

Take care

Mick Hawkins
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Re: Some good info

Postby Russ Roth » Sat Sep 05, 2009 12:43 am


Around here it isn't just Lowe's that will give a discount I have found out. Most places will do it but you have to ask, just like Lowe's. BTW, cash is good. :D :D

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Re: Some good info

Postby Glen Nicholls » Thu Oct 01, 2009 9:48 pm

Home Depot, Wendy's, Checker Auto, Sports Authority (Amunition), some Sonics, and yes, they don't do it automatically, you have to ask.

I now ask everywhere, for a Vet Discount, and if they don't have one, I ask for a Senior Discount, and if they still refuse, I ask for an "outrageous mustache" discount, and if nothing else they start laughing. About a third of the time they will come up with something, even if it is an employee discount.

With 50%+ VA Comp. you get a Free lifetime Golden Eagle Passport to all National Parks. Some states will give you a lifetime fishing license, but no discount on hunting licenses-I guess they make too much money with them.

If your comp rate is 60% you get free medical care, free perscriptions, free hearing aids, and it doesn't all have to be "service connected".

There is vocational rehab, which "activates" 36 months of school tuition, to learn a new trade or profession.

A Vet Counselor can recommend you for the seven week PTSD "camp", and while you are "in" you bump to 100%, plus they re-evaluate your PTSD (although that seems to slow down the process - 1 1/2 years so far).

No matter what your dissability percent is, you can apply for unemployability, which is 100% if they award that to you.

Glen Nicholls CO
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Re: Some good info

Postby Jerry Cooper » Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:04 am

Here in Texas, with a 50%+ you get free hunting and fishing license, vehicle tags for one vehicle for $3.00, free day admission to State Parks and a discount on property taxes.
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