Change of Command - 1st Bn. 50th Inf.

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Change of Command - 1st Bn. 50th Inf.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed May 07, 2014 3:38 pm

There will be a change of command on June 4th at Fort Benning. We will say goodbye to outgoing Commanding Officer LTC Thomas M Nelson and welcome the new Commanding Officer: LTC William A. Kahmann. All are welcome to attend. Myself (Jim Sheppard, John Topper, Dick Guthrie and Jimmy Segars will be there. If you would like me to have Michelle Spivey make room reservations for you, please contact me. We will all be staying at the Hampton Inn and Suites, Phenix City (Site of the last reunion).
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Re: Change of Command - 1st Bn. 50th Inf.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Jun 02, 2014 1:12 am

all packed and ready to go...headed for Fort Benning in the AM. Will arrive Tuesday in preparation for the Change of Command Wednesday. Looking forward to the event and seeing a few old friends.
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Re: Change of Command - 1st Bn. 50th Inf.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:00 pm

At the suggestion of Battalion Commander Tom Nelson, for this Change of Command...which will take place tomorrow morning, we all gathered at Hunter's Pub this evening for an "introduction" dinner with the new Battalion Commander and his wife. We had about 20 people on hand tonight and it was a nice gathering. Myself, John Topper, Dick Guthrie, Jimmy and Loretta Segars and M&M Jay Copley represented the Association. We are looking forward to the event in the morning!

I will be posting photos after my return home later in the month.
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Re: Change of Command - 1st Bn. 50th Inf.

Postby harley hawkins » Wed Jun 04, 2014 7:29 am

Sounds like the 1/50 was well represented .

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Re: Change of Command - 1st Bn. 50th Inf.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:29 pm

Of interest to Mick & Randy...the new Battalion Commander is a huge fan of Turkey Hunting!
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Re: Change of Command - 1st Bn. 50th Inf.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Fri Jun 20, 2014 12:58 pm

Just got back home after an extended trip around the country for various 50th Infantry and personal stuff. The entire trip was 8005 miles...all driven in my van.

I am tending to personal matters that backed up in my absence and will get to posting photos, etc, for the recent Change of Command by sometime next week.
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Re: Change of Command - 1st Bn. 50th Inf.

Postby pt9243 » Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:31 pm

Jim, is that the same van you had at the 2013 reunion? Must have beaucoup miles on it by now. See it next year.

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Re: Change of Command - 1st Bn. 50th Inf.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:41 pm

Yes, yes and Yes!
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Re: Change of Command - 1st Bn. 50th Inf.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:45 am

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