Holloway and Mitchell

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Holloway and Mitchell

Postby harley hawkins » Sun Dec 01, 2013 5:58 pm

Dec. 2 1967 Richard Holloway and Tommy Mitchell were killed in Vietnam. I remember this fire fight very well.

Mick Hawkins
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Re: Holloway and Mitchell

Postby rigo-ordaz » Tue Dec 03, 2013 6:00 pm

Hey Mick. Where did this firefight take place? Was it around LZ Pony?
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Re: Holloway and Mitchell

Postby harley hawkins » Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:06 pm


This was around Lake Dam Tra-O. We were working in plt. size units . Weapons plt had been on foot for some time and we were back in our APC and Holloway and Mitchell was in 1st plt or recon. We were sent to the base of this hill they were working as support and this was called the rock pile I think.

Mick Hawkins
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Re: Holloway and Mitchell

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed Dec 04, 2013 7:09 am

Visit their memorial pages. I have been given first hand accounts and incorporated same into those.
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Re: Holloway and Mitchell

Postby harley hawkins » Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:03 am

Yes that is right Jim. Denny has a real good account of 1st plt that day as he was plt leader not sure of the location might be in war stories but I remember reading it. Very good

Mick Hawkins
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Re: Holloway and Mitchell

Postby rigo-ordaz » Wed Dec 04, 2013 12:52 pm

I read the account, and Dan Neely{s account. I missed this action as I was with the 2nd Pltn. operating around LZ Pony.
Five days after that, Delta Co. came together for the Battle of Tam Quan where Lt. Driscoll and Dan Neely were wounded.
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Re: Holloway and Mitchell

Postby harley hawkins » Wed Dec 04, 2013 8:09 pm


The weapons plt or 4.2 was operating on foot for most of a week . Seen a lot of sign, Shot a NVA officer two days before. We went back to uplift got our APC and was in that area when 1st plt got into it. We came to the base of the hill wouldn't call it a mountain it was a hill . listen to it on our radios . After this part of weapons plt went to Pony the others went to English . I went to English and we worked ambushs than to Tam Qaun.

Some things just go away and other things you remember like yesterday. I remember that rocky hill very well

Take Care

Mick Hawkins
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Re: Holloway and Mitchell

Postby rigo-ordaz » Thu Dec 05, 2013 6:21 pm

Very familiar with the Nui Loi and Nui Mieu área as we had several missions there to include when we were ambushed further east on March of 68. So like I had stated before the original Recon Plt was folded into the 1st Plt. In Jameson,s photo we see members of the original Recon Plt who came together from other squads for the photo by track 411 at LZ Litts.
Looking back, we were all so Young. I feel sad at the death of these two Young soldiers and all who died from the 1/50 and their families.
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Re: Holloway and Mitchell

Postby harley hawkins » Fri Dec 06, 2013 10:38 am


The weapons plt. before being in D company was in HHC were we took AIT . lT Raines , Lt Driscoll and Lt. Nelson was the officers in charge of training us I think all three went to Nam with us. Lt Driscoll went to recon . I'm not sure about Raines and Nelson.

The Sgt. training us was SSG Loomis, PSG Sauls, I think these guys were Vietnam Vets and didn't go over with us, but not sure.

Mick Hawkins
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