Tom Schroeder

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Tom Schroeder

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Aug 31, 2013 10:16 pm

I received this sad news tonight from Jean Schroeder:

Tom's battle is over. He has said many times that he felt he was on borrowed time for the last 46 years. He has been in a tremendous amount of pain for the past couple of months, so it is finally over for him. He told me several weeks ago that he didn't know pain could be this bad. He had not had any nutrients since 15 Aug and he probably weighed about 125 pounds. He stopped breathing around noon today. As he would say, he has gone to be with the Big Ranger in the Sky.

Williams Funeral Home in Milledgeville, GA will handle the arrangement. Right now I plan to have his service next Saturday at the funeral home.

Thank you all for the cards, emails, the food you have brought over and most of all for the prayers.


As predicted before the Spring Reunion, We have lost Tom as well as Dick Kerr...who both attended their last gathering with us in May. It was my previlege to know and serve under both of these fine men.
At the 2013 reunion in May:
In Vietnam, 1967:
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Re: Tom Schroeder

Postby harley hawkins » Sun Sep 01, 2013 9:09 am

Sad to hear about Tom he was a good leader . God bless. rip

Harley Mick Hawkins
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Re: Tom Schroeder

Postby Russ Roth » Sun Sep 01, 2013 3:25 pm

harley hawkins wrote:Sad to hear about Tom he was a good leader . God bless. rip

Harley Mick Hawkins

He was as good as the best and as brave as anyone. I respected him a great deal and a huge loss for all us. It was an honor to have served under his command.

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Re: Tom Schroeder

Postby Randy Smith » Mon Sep 02, 2013 12:43 am

Rest in Peace Tom and may GOD bless and ease the grief of his family.
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Re: Tom Schroeder

Postby rigo-ordaz » Mon Sep 02, 2013 2:27 pm

Did not know him personally, but I knew he was our company commander after the battle for Litts. May he rest in peace.
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Re: Tom Schroeder

Postby Lou Frisbie » Mon Sep 02, 2013 8:12 pm

Sorry to hear about Tom
I got a email from Jean yesterday I just did not want to thank about it. I knew it would most likely happen. But its still hard to take.
Tom was a brave man in Vietnam and his battle with cancer. It was a honor to serve with him. He feels no pain now. May God bless him.
We lost a brother.
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