2d Bn (M) 50th Inf

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2d Bn (M) 50th Inf

Postby Die Schneider-Hector » Sat Jul 06, 2013 9:19 pm

Greetings my name is Dietmar Schneider-Hector. I was roaming the internet and decided to check out the 50th Inf and came across the 1/50 Inf site. A bit of history. I was an llB and assigned to HHC 2(M)50 Inf from Jan 67 to Jun 67 at Ft. Hood. The unit was a spit and polish unit meaning that any time there happened to be a parade on post we seemed to be part of it. No better way to spend Saturdays. Some of you might recall that mid 67 was a very busy year at Ft. Hood. Some time in Mar/Apr I was sent to Ft. Lee for unit armorer school and after my return the rumors were flying about a new brigade forming on post, it turned out to be the 198th LIB as well as a sister bn the 1/50th. Many of the original 1/50 members had been reassigned from 2/50. I saw many of my friends depart and I thought I had dodged that bullet. Shortly afterwards, because of the SMOS 76K armorer tag, I received orders for B or C Co 9th Support Bn which was part of the 198th LIB. By the 1st part of Aug I became excess so I hurridley ran back to 2/50 and they agreed to bring me back. The army moved faster than I. Feeling confindent that I would shortly be reassigned to my old unit I was informed that orders had been cut, while I was making my arrangements, assigning me to the 1/6 inf 198th LIB. I recall as my 1/50th friends left Ft Hood for RVN. We left about a week or so later and became part of the Americal Division. I remained in 1/6 Inf until I ETSd in May 69. I always had great memories of the preRVN days during my stint in the 2/50. As a 17 year old it was a great learning environment about basic army stuff and always learning how to Play the Game. I have lost touch or memory not cooperating about many of my 2/50th friends who were drafted into the 1/50 but I certainly will never forget their faces. Your 1/50th Inf site has given me pleasant memories and I commend the forum for a fantastic site. Best Wishes to all of you. All replies are welcomed.
Die Schneider-Hector
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Re: 2d Bn (M) 50th Inf

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sun Jul 07, 2013 2:19 am

Bill Moore transferred to us from the 2/50th right before we shipped over. I had thought that the 2nd Bn was in the 1st AD...but found out from Bill that they were, in fact, also 2nd AD. Here's a link to the page I created based on notes from former 2nd Bn, 50th Inf Men and a few other sources: http://www.ichiban1.org/html/2nd_battalion.htm
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Re: 2d Bn (M) 50th Inf

Postby Die Schneider-Hector » Sun Jul 07, 2013 12:42 pm

Mr. Sheppard thanks for the quick reply. Yes I forgot to mention that the 2/50th was in the 2d Armored Division. I checked out the information you provided and noted the 2/50th history in the 60s doesn't exist. If I recall most of the 198th inf units were pulled out of the 1st Armored Division. Best wishes.
Die Schneider-Hector
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Re: 2d Bn (M) 50th Inf

Postby wfm7 » Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:47 am

Jim - The company I was with in the 2/50th was manned almost entirely of returning members of the 25th Inf. Div. who were running out the clock on their remaining enlistments. A great bunch of guys who did all they could to prepare me for my tour. Sadly, all that remain are photos of nameless faces.
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