Our Memorial area at Benning "spruced up"!

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Our Memorial area at Benning "spruced up"!

Postby Jim Sheppard » Tue Dec 18, 2012 7:43 pm

Looks like someone has paid some needed attention to the area around our Memorial at Fort Benning. Great job! Check the photos at the bottom of the "Arlington National Cemetery" page below

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Re: Our Memorial area at Benning "spruced up"!

Postby RJ_Smith » Wed Dec 19, 2012 12:49 pm

Very touching to see everyone honoring the memorial!

Looks like it was moved from the barracks?
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Re: Our Memorial area at Benning "spruced up"!

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed Dec 19, 2012 5:16 pm

For anyone who missed the last reunion. The Battalion moved from Treadwell Barrack in 2010 to a new location about a click away. The memorial was also moved & the new setting left much to be desired...sitting in an unattractive plot of dirt and sparce grass. If you had not seen the new location...you would not know that the addition of the border pavers and pebble stones has been made...and it is THOSE improvements I am pointing out. Sorry...I just "assumed" everyone knew about all the changes.

Additionally, I understand that in the next couple years, the Battalion will be moving AGAIN...to another new location very close to where we enter the post...so the memorial will be moving to a third location along with the Battalion.
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