I am gearing up for 2014 turkey season. Larry Curtis (---AKA---SGT. Larry Crooks in Mick Hawkins book) and myself (---AKA---Raymond Skinner the medic in Micks book) are meeting in 4 days to hammer out the details for a turkey hunt with Mick in Missouri. Anyone who has not read Mick's book, THE WAY IT WAS, should contact him about obtaining one if you were with the 1/50th and especially if you were with Delta company.
Anyone addicted to turkey hunting can chat here and probably get an answer back full of braggadocios half truths and outright lies. Are you there Parker Pierce? Did I ever tell you about the 65 lb. turkey I saw in Kentucky? Stood as tall as my shoulder he did, and that ain't no lie. If I'd have gotten him I would have had a new worlds record but alas he was on another property and by the time I got permission to hunt that property he was nowhere to be seen again. Now seriously I have taken the grand slam in turkey hunting and have hunted and killed turkeys in Indiana, Kentucky, Florida, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Texas and I'm tellin' ya that turkey in Kentucky was more than twice the size of any I have ever seen. Ya believe me don't ya. Well I don't blame ya, I could hardly believe my own eyes but it is the plain truth and I'm stickin' to it.
Next time I'll tell you about getting two turkeys with one shot and I've done it more than once but it was an accident on each occasion. Supposin' ya don't believe that either. Oh well I can only tell it like it was or at least the way I remember it. See all you turkey hunters later and don't forget to pattern your shotguns.
Randy "DOC" Smith, turkey hunter and truth stretcher.