Server Downtime - (Completed 2010-03-21)

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Server Downtime - (Completed 2010-03-21)

Postby clange » Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:12 am

Greetings members of the 1/50th,

I wanted to let you know that their may be some planned downtime either later this evening, or tomorrow (Sunday) evening. We are in the process of trying to permanently resolve an ongoing DNS issue that some of you may remember from a few weeks ago.

You can follow the status of the update and other Hosting Support information for via. Twitter at

Thank you for your patience, and if the server does not return to normal by Monday morning, please contact help(at)

*** UPDATE: The update is complete and I would like to welcome the 1/50th to our new server (named Drum). I did need to make a few changes to the Cache settings on this message board, but if anyone comes across any other site problems that look like they are related to the move, please post them here and I'll work with Jim and R.J. to get them fixed. Thanks again everyone! ***


Christopher Lange
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Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:06 am

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