Recent spam - now using ReCaptcha

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Moderators: Jim Sheppard, RJ_Smith

Recent spam - now using ReCaptcha

Postby RJ_Smith » Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:35 pm

Hi all, I've updated the ban list with over 1.7 million additional IPs. It's possible some legitimate users could be caught by the new lists - if you know of anyone having problems joining this board through the IP bans please let me know. The anti-spam signup challenge now also uses Google ReCaptcha, which was surprisingly easy to integrate. We'll see if that slows down spam automation.

A final step could be locking the board down to admin approval -- a user registers, and an approval request is sent to me or Jim before they can post. We may consider this if these new measures don't do the trick. Fingers crossed. :geek:
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