Bob Sollars - SRAP - Sad News

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Bob Sollars - SRAP - Sad News

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Oct 12, 2009 4:46 pm

Ventura Rodriguez brought us sad news today. Bob Sollars, Charlie Company & SRAP Platoon, passed away last week. I have obtained an obituary and added some of our own graphics.

He will stand on guard while the Angels sleep.

God rest his soul.
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: Bob Sollars - SRAP - Sad News

Postby rodman » Mon Oct 12, 2009 7:13 pm

Hi to All

It is hard to the right words when a good friend passes away, I met back up with Bob at the 2003 reunion at Ft Benning, we spoke about the last time we had been at Ft Benning GA. it was 1968 for me when I went through Jump School and we both laughed at how hard we thought we had it back then. Bod was a proud member of C Co SRAP Plt and he was one of those wounded at Pump Station 8, while his wounds were not mortal they were very severe and extreemly painful. I will miss him but will always keep him in my mind and in my heart, remember those who go before us but do not foget those who are still with us for they were there with us when we needed them most in the middle of combat under fire covering our backs as well as back at homebase helping us get through the things we saw as well as the things we had to do in the heat of battle, so stay intouch with all our brothers that were there. Bob amnd Yvette we helping raise two grandsons the oldest was Robert and the youngest Calvin, I met both and the were great kids and that speaks alot for what kind of man Bob was. Well I will close for now take good care all of you and God bless you and your families, and if you knew Bob or not please send cards to Bobs' family

Ventura (doc) Rodriguez
1/50th Mech Inf
Medic : D Co. SRAP Plt
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