Reunion thanks

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Reunion thanks

Postby George Bell » Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:21 pm

Well another great reunion at Ft. Benning! Once again I couldn't make it. Each year in August I get real busy and unforunately had to pass.

But let me add my two cents about the gathering;

First; It was good finally to put a face on my namesake Sgt. George Bell. Thanks to Jim's picture board and his attendance I finally got to see the real George Bell! Not that I'm unreal in any way.

Second; I'm once again, I'm in awe and thankful of the hard work put in by the leadership of the organization. Although we've never met, I add my sincere appreciation for keeping the memories of our fallen brothers alive and fanning the flame of that special bond formed between men when your life is on the line. Great job.....keep it going.

Last and foremost; My thanks goes out to you and especially Glen Nichols for giving me the opportunity to reconnect with Willie Maklary. Nick and Willie got chatting about people they served with and my name, as well as others, came up. Nick took the next step and called me immediately and let me know he had met with Willie and gave me his phone number. I gave Willie time to get home and then called. We talked for over an hour. It was like a verbal tennis match with our questions "Do you remember __________?" or "Do you remember the night?". "Were you there when?" What a great call and conversation.

Without the existence of this Association and reunions that would have been improbable at best. Thanks again.

George Bell (The latter)
George Bell
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Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:09 pm

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