Historian/Webmaster travels

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Historian/Webmaster travels

Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu May 26, 2016 4:07 pm


Just a note to let you know I will be travelling (Driving) East beginning Memorial day. I have a few stops to make along the way on my first leg which will end at Fort Benning on Monday June 6th. I will be attending the Change of Command with the usual suspects on June 8th. I expect we will be making the decision on our next reunion's host hotel at this event.

Following this event, I will be travelling back to my former home in New Jersey to visit with family before heading West...with a stop in Chicago to pick up a trailer-load of furniture for the final leg back to San Diego. I will be back in our new home in Fallbrook, CA sometime between June 23rd and 30th.

I will be able to respond to "website issues" as I will have my trusty laptop along. Emails should be directed to kiss-ac@juno.com.

Time permitting, I will post up something on this change of command event...if not during the trip, soon after returning.
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: Historian/Webmaster travels

Postby pt9243 » Thu May 26, 2016 8:19 pm

Safe travels, Jim. Sounds like quite a road trip. Pete
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Re: Historian/Webmaster travels

Postby sgtroc » Mon Jun 06, 2016 12:17 pm

Ricky Nelson sang Travelin Man" I think he meant you Jim. Drive safe :D :D
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