Dr. Larry Dossey, Bn Surgeon, 1968-9 Memoir

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Dr. Larry Dossey, Bn Surgeon, 1968-9 Memoir

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Apr 02, 2016 3:34 pm

I came across this article written by former Battalion Surgeon Dr. Larry Dossey. This is a great piece written by our very well respected Association Life Member. I am going to see if I can convince him to attend our next reunion.
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: Dr. Larry Dossey, Bn Surgeon, 1968-9 Memoir

Postby bongson » Sun Apr 03, 2016 1:08 pm

Dr. Dossey was an excellent battalion surgeon, and was the most respected man in our outfit. Aside from his medical skills he was known for his fairness and consideration. The grunts loved him because they knew they would get good medical attention and a fair shake on when they would have to return to the field.
I hope he publishes his book, I'll buy it.
I was seen by Dr. Dossey a number of times during my tour. He did a great job stitching up my chest in Feb.'69

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Re: Dr. Larry Dossey, Bn Surgeon, 1968-9 Memoir

Postby pcfrmr » Sun Apr 03, 2016 4:02 pm

Wow! just a skimming of the article Jim had in his post brings the reality of war back to the front of my mind (it is never far enough from the front) :( . Sometimes I wish we had not run over that mine a long, long, long time ago in such a far, far, far away place. Time does not heal all. Bob Wuestenberg
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Re: Dr. Larry Dossey, Bn Surgeon, 1968-9 Memoir

Postby bbontemps » Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:12 am

A great read for a Monday morning. As an addition to "The Uniform and the Garbage Can" in this memoir, here is an article I clipped from our local newspaper years ago. I've always kept a copy close at hand.

You've been on my mind a lot lately. Whenever I see the heroes' welcome our gulf troops are receiving, I cringe a little, wondering how all this is affecting you. Don't get me wrong - they deserve it! But so did you! I know that you, too, were surely hugged by your loved ones as you came back. But television crews? Bands and banners? Flags and yellow ribbons?
While I did come to be against the war in Vietnam, I was never against the troops. My disgust was against the powers-that-be who kept sending you there. My objection was to the commitment of more and more of you in a war that was never declared.
Know this: You're a hero, too!
Please don't be bitter about that time we were so ignorant. One reason we're behind the troops to such an extent now is the realization of how we treated you. We made an awful mistake. We're more sorry that we can say. Can you forgive us?
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