December 10,1967

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December 10,1967

Postby Randy Smith » Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:18 am

Could it have really been 48 years ago. How could parts of it be so clear in my memory from so long ago. And yet parts are so foggy and hard to remember. The help I received from Sgt. O'Conner and Sgt. Torres-Hernandes. Tam Quan was a mixture of Hell, Heroes, and Horror. I was so frightened for my safety but even more so I think of failing in the face of my men. God only knows how I made through that day. And then there were those that did not make it. It is those men we should remember today. I have been thinking of that horrible day all day today. Remembering Wright, Ferrell, and Lt. Sodowsky who were in my immediate area. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the men of DELTA CO. who kept us medics safe under withering conditions. You all know who you are so I won't try to name anyone but you are truly heroes in the hearts of some grateful pill pushers. PLAY THE GAME
Randy Smith
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Re: December 10,1967

Postby harley hawkins » Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:29 am

You are so right my friend and trust me you and Pete looked really good that day as did others. It is such a honor to have been in combat with such great men .

Harley Mick Hawkins
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Re: December 10,1967

Postby George Borges » Sun Dec 13, 2015 11:15 am

YES, Mick you are so right Randy and Pete, did one heck of a job on the 10th of Dec. (an every day) they make me so proud to have served with them. God Bless them,and all the medic's .
George Borges
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