coca cola lady

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coca cola lady

Postby Randy Smith » Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:57 pm

Just had a flash back of something I had not thought about for nearly 48 years. We were operating out of L.Z. Uplift. Does anyone else remember the middle aged Vietnamese lady who road a bicycle with saddlebags over the rear fender containing a chunk of ice and several bottles of coca cola. She would show up where ever we were and sell us cokes for $1 a bottle. Always made me wonder how she knew where we were always going to be. She couldn't carry enough for everyone so we bought what she had and shared them each having a drink from the same bottle. Brotherly closeness huh. Just wondered if anyone else remembered.
Randy Smith
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Re: coca cola lady

Postby harley hawkins » Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:45 pm

I do remember her. She would always look up the guy from Minn. Was his name Homstum or what ever his name was? John I think was his first name. She sure had good intel

Mick Hawkins
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Re: coca cola lady

Postby Randy Smith » Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:40 pm

Yes Mick his name was John Holmstrom and he was with the Davy Crockett group at Ft. Hood. Davy Crockett group and the medics bunked together on the ground floor of Charlie Company at Ft. Hood. When we went to Nam they didn't figure on letting us use nukes so they folded the Davy Crocketts in with------you guessed it-----Delta Company. Too bad they didn't smuggle one of those nuclear war heads into Delta Company.
Randy Smith
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Re: coca cola lady

Postby harley hawkins » Tue Nov 17, 2015 8:57 am

Yes that is who it was. We all went to town one day to the tattoo shop to get tattoos John got a play boy bunny on his pinky . I didn't get one . I had always heard that the Davy Crockett wouldn't shoot far enough to get the gunners out of danger so they dropped it . We got him , Danny Scott, Frisbe all about the same time might have been more I do not remember .
D company a nuke I think not. Hell they took the 4.2 away from us and gave it back to headquarters and I blame the Coco Coco Lady for all this .

Mick Hawkins
harley hawkins
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