WOW! I haven't had time to get on the message board for a few months due to some personal issues, but this took me by surprise. James and I were together on the 5th of May '68 at An Bao (we were on the same track), and we even swapped weapons shortly before the festivities began (He had my M-16, and I had his .45 because I went up into the TC position on the 50 just as we left Uplift). We got separated during the battle shortly after our track was hit and I was forced back into our secondary defensive position, where I was wounded. After "C" Company got to us a while later, we were both tossed into the same track to evacuate us for Dustoff.. James was one of those guys who you just assumed would live forever...
I talked to him a few times over the years, and we sent a few emails back and forth, and he was a very conflicted individual - the 'Nam (and especially the 5th of May) really put a number on his head (as we all know). The demons just never let him go. Though we were never really close, and had a few differences of opinion over the years, we were still friends (which in my world is a high compliment).
I'm sorry to hear of his passing, but I know that he is finally at rest.
Godspeed and sleep well Brother.