Rest In Paradise James Fitzgerald

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Rest In Paradise James Fitzgerald

Postby snodinak » Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:05 pm

RIP James “Doc” Fitzgerald

Today you’re in heaven; the battle’s over, finally won.
That annoying plague and bitter fight, it’s officially done.
No enemies to engage, no more need for a loaded gun.

Today you sit with Jesus in a wonderfully exciting place,
but on this earth there’s a void, one huge empty space.
Like so many others, I’d love one last “James’ embrace”.

As I look beyond this earth, up to clouds in star-lit skies,
it’s hard for me to say farewell, whisper my last goodbyes,
because a wound is in my heart and tears fill up my eyes.

You took the place of a brother I lost so many years ago;
you filled an empty place that only you and I could know,
and I continue to love you, but at a much higher plateau.

Rest in Paradise James, your brother by choice, Bill Lowe
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