Looking for info on my uncle CPL Samuel Bulloch

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Looking for info on my uncle CPL Samuel Bulloch

Postby Connorwhitfield » Tue Jan 20, 2015 1:45 am

I am Connor Whitfield, my uncle was corporal Samuel "Sammi" Bulloch. Me and my grandmother (his sister) were searching for anyone who served with my uncle during Vietnam. he was in 1/50 (1st cav 50th infantry regiment B company) from September of 67 until he was KIA in December of 67. I can find online he was killed on a search and destroy operation around the bong son river in the battle of tam quan. My grandma lost a lot of his papers and letters because a journalist was going to write a story about him and never returned the little information we had about him. I was just wondering if any of you possibly knew him or know someone who possibly did. If you could shed any light on my uncle, what he was like over there, stories about him or what exactly happened to him we would greatly appreciate it. we are just reaching out to regain any information we can. You can contact me at Connormw13@gmail.com or respond on this forum. Any information you guys can share would be greatly appreciated

Thanks so much,
Connor Whitfield and Janice Bulloch
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Re: Looking for info on my uncle CPL Samuel Bulloch

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed Jan 21, 2015 3:23 pm

I am Historian for this Association & authored the memorial page for your uncle. I will contact his former commanding Officer & I am certain you will be hearing from him and others. Please be in touch with me via email at: Jim Sheppard, kiss-ac@juno.com or 50thinfantryassociation@gmail.com. I would like to get "snail mail" addresses for both yourself and Sam's sister so we don't loose touch! More information will follow about memorial services held every two years in Georgia.
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