boys in for visit

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boys in for visit

Postby harley hawkins » Thu May 15, 2014 9:30 am

Will the boys was here for fishing and Turkey hunting. Randy Smith, Larry Curtis, Toby Milroy and a visit by Danny Scott. Had a great time and the weather was bad for fishing cold wind blowing and we did manage to catch a few fish . We team up with Butch Branter, Randy Smith and Danny Scott on one team and Myself Toby Milroy and Larry Curtis on the other team. Do not get into a boat with Milroy . The saying Bull in a China Shop applies here.
Milroy about fell out of the boat I mean head,back ass all hanging out of the boat with me ahold of his legs,we got him back into the boat and he stepped on my new rod and broke it than tipped over the worm bucket and dropped the anchor over the side without it tied to anything. This was way before anyone had a drink.
The team of Butch, Randy and Danny beat us pretty bad I think they had 22 fish we had three ( remember we had Milroy ) . We also found some Musrooms did catch eoungh fish for a fish fry . Randy and Larry Turkey hunted while Milroy and I worked.
We had a great time and it took me about four days to recover. Everyone here keeps asking when the boys are coming back . Thanks for coming guys and hope to see you all again next year.

Remember You are never a complete failer when you can be used as a bad example .

Mick Hawkins
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Re: boys in for visit

Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu May 15, 2014 7:35 pm

Your gathering is on my "bucket list" this year caused me to miss this...maybe next year? Be sure to post up an invite when the time gets close.

What kind of fish are you catching...or should I say...were the other guys catching? I suspect crappies and maybe some Bass?

Do you ever do a gathering in the summer?

Sounds like fun was had by all.
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Re: boys in for visit

Postby harley hawkins » Fri May 16, 2014 12:21 pm

A gathering ! Now that is something to think about. There is a motel in Brookfield not far away . I wonder how many would be interested in coming ? We might have to start a fact finding mission to find out.

We catch mostly Crappie and Bass some big blue gill and a catfish or two, but no Catfish like Jim Fitzgerald catchs.

Take Care my friend and remember there is opportunity in confussion .

Harley Mick Hawkins
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Re: boys in for visit

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat May 17, 2014 2:11 pm

This reminds me that I have wanted to visit & fish with Doc Fitzgerald for quite a while now. I just always seem to be too busy.

I didn't mean to try to organize a big event...something with just a few of the guys could kick it off...sort of like you do each year with the turkey hunt, etc...only during the summer months? This summer (early) is likely not a good time for there is so much going on here...but maybe late July or August.
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