A special thank you to you all!

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A special thank you to you all!

Postby popskul » Tue May 06, 2014 3:30 pm

Id like to say thank you to all of our veterans and tell you about my personal hero. I know him as "Ron" but his name is
Pfc.Ronald E. Owens.He is one of the most honorable and modest men that lve ever (or will ever) known.He has helped me more than he will ever know just by calling me his friend but his words of advise and the example he sets has helped me become a better person.When he and I first met,I was,to say the least,not the most desireable person to know.He actually wrote me off shortly after we met but I was lucky enough to get a second chance and was,thankfully,smart enough to take advantage of it and gained the opportunity to become a better person.Now im not saying that he is perfect,he's not,but there are certain qualities that a man must have to be called a man and he has shown me those and i try hard to practice them myself. I only hope that someday I can be just half the man that he is!I am not ashamed at all to say that this man is my hero and mentor and I am truely blessed that he calls me friend!!!
I'd like to thank you for the opportunity speak my mind and thank you to all who have served our country!!
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