Board software update planned this Saturday, 4/26/14

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Board software update planned this Saturday, 4/26/14

Postby RJ_Smith » Tue Apr 22, 2014 10:59 pm

Hi everyone,

This message board software hasn't been updated in quite some time, and a recent change to the server configuration temporarily broke the ability to log into or out this past weekend. I fixed the problem, but we are likely to see more and more of these issues due to the forum being out of date.

This Saturday, 4/26/2014, I'm planning to update the message board software. There may be a period where it is unavailable; if that is the case, I'll put up a placeholder page. I will back up both the current message board installation and all data files just in case.

I'm hoping the upgrade goes smoothly and takes only a few minutes. Fingers crossed! :mrgreen:

PS: Last time I broke some software at work, a customer sent me this...
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Re: Board software update planned this Saturday, 4/26/14

Postby harley hawkins » Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:32 pm

Good work RJ . Thanks for all your help. Randy,Toby,Larry,Danny and I'm not sure if Bob or larrys wife is coming or not ,but the others should be here Monday . Hope to catch some fish and kill some turkeys.

Take Care

Mick Hawkins
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Re: Board software update planned this Saturday, 4/26/14

Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Apr 24, 2014 3:19 am


Sorry I won't be able to make it this time...I have some minor surgery scheduled for tomorrow that will have me resting up for a week or so.

Good hunting/fishing...and be sure to let me know in advance before the next one!

Jim Sheppard
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Re: Board software update planned this Saturday, 4/26/14

Postby harley hawkins » Thu Apr 24, 2014 9:02 am

Take Care my friend and get some rest. You bet we will let you know.

Haley Mick Hawkiins
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Re: Board software update planned this Saturday, 4/26/14

Postby Randy Smith » Sat Apr 26, 2014 1:55 am

I hope everything goes smoothly both for RJ's work on the board software and Jim's surgery. So let's tell RJ and Jim's doctor FIX IT==FIX IT==FIX IT==FIX IT! Seriously good luck to you both and much thanks for all your efforts, from RJ's DAD and JIM'S BROTHER.
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Re: Board software update planned this Saturday, 4/26/14

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:19 am

I didn't intend to alarm anyone...but my surgery is over with. For those interested in details, I had Hydroceles in both testicles. They make an incision about 3 inches long in the scrotum and drain the liquids...then mend the torn part that caused the hydroceles. I am on antibiotics and pain meds and will stay in bed for at least one more day(Probably until Monday). There will be some swelling that should be with me for a few weeks, but then I will be back to normal.

The condition is not related to anything involving our Vietnam experience. Thanks to Bob Gold and Jim Kelliher...who have both had the same procedure and "filled me in" on what to expect.

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Re: Board software update planned this Saturday, 4/26/14

Postby George Borges » Sun Apr 27, 2014 2:15 pm

Hi Jim, Glad to hear you're on the mend .rest as much as you can. stay well. George
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