Book research by James Wright, USMC for period 5-6 1969.

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Book research by James Wright, USMC for period 5-6 1969.

Postby Talmadgecain » Mon Jan 13, 2014 11:59 pm

I've received an email from Mr. James Wright. He's doing research for a book he is planning putting faces on casualties. Mainly during May-June, 1969. He knows that The Scout Platoon last three over Memorial Day weekend, 1969.
He is former USMC. Has any one else heard from him?
He wants info, names, what happened, etc.

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Re: Book research by James Wright, USMC for period 5-6 1969.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed Jan 15, 2014 2:46 am

I received a call from Rick Rajner, "A" Company & SRAP, last week about this gentleman. He is writing a book based on the Life Magazine Article entitled "One Week's Dead". The 1st Bn, 50th Infantry had 6 men lost during that particular week, Including Gladys Grubb's former husband. This is a worthwhile and positive efforts which should get all the support we can render. I plan on being in touch with him to let him know he may use any information he wishes from our memorial pages.

Rick sent me this note Rick and I are in discussions on several topics:
I talked with this guy (Jim Wright, President-emeritus of Dartmouth and peacetime Marine vet) and he seems to be OK. His book project looks very good and his credentials check out.
Contact info;

I let him know about Lt. Cain and he may contact him, but mostly we exchanged information about Pettis, SRAP, my background and other related topics.

I'll call one afternoon this week.


You can view our website page on the article at

We also have a copy of the magazine in our archives...and many of you have seen it displayed at reunions..along with a dozen other Vietnam era Life Magazines.
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Re: Book research by James Wright, USMC for period 5-6 1969.

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed Jan 15, 2014 5:37 pm

I just had an informative conversation with (Dr.) Jim Wright via a telephone call to his office at Dartmouth. His effort will focus on a time period the includes, but is not limited to the Life Magazine Article as previously mentioned.

He has chosen the 1 month period between May 10th and June 8th of 1969 since this was the period during which the peak strength of our military personnel was reached. These numbers began their decline after this period for various reasons.

His efforts seem to be further focused on chronicling a more personal side of many of the 1500+ men killed during the period. I will be helping wherever needed in the effort as it pertains to our men KIA during this period. Today we discussed how to approach family and friends from my contact list. I also mentioned a few prominent stories that came to mind immediately...including Gladys Grubb's history with us, Helen Trammell's remembrances (Childhood friend of Jerome Collins)...and the coincidental addition of Ray Chenoweth's photo to his memorial page today...the 45th anniversary of his death.

This effort is well worth our complete endorsement and support wherever possible. Read Jim Wright's biography:
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