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Postby Bill Mims » Sat Apr 20, 2013 5:25 am

Can taste that Marinated steak at the green shack already.
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Re: Reunion

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Apr 20, 2013 5:51 pm

You are referring to "Hunter's Pub". DInner there has become a much anticipated "Unofficial" reunion perk...for those who arrive early enough on Tueday (They are closed Mondays).

Michelle Spivey, our local Sales Rep, introduced us to the "hole in the wall" restaurant about a half hour North of Columbus in 2005. You would never know this place was a superb eatery from the outside. It looks like an old rundown shack...with no real sign that it is a great place to eat! Their inch-plus thick Rib Eye Steak is, by far, the best I have had anywhere...EVER! It's become such a popular event that we have to call and warn them as we absolutely pack the place when they open for n=dinner at 5 PM!

I will be there!
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Re: Reunion

Postby Randy Smith » Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:20 pm

Toby Milroy and I may have to leave Indiana a little earlier than anticipated to be sure that we are there in time for the Hunter's Pub dinner. I remember when I took Chuck McAleer there the first time and he said "JEEZE Smitty, you brought us to a bait shop to eat." But he wouldn't miss it now. The only 5 star bait shop in Georgia. Gotta go now I'm slobbering all over the keyboard.
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Re: Reunion

Postby harley hawkins » Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:40 pm

Hay Randy I have been trying to call you. I have two cell numbers for you and wanted to put the right one one my phone . I think you have been turkey hunting so will call later. Danny Scott called and he was going to come with me but I don't think his wife will let him go. I have a really good turkey hunting story to tell you and Larry that happen to Josh this year it is about a turkey and a goose. He killed a big one this year.

Mick Hawkins
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Re: Reunion

Postby Randy Smith » Sun Apr 28, 2013 2:07 pm

Mick I think we got this covered in the last phone call. I had no reception in Kentucky and I don't think they even have phones there, at least not where I was at turkey hunting on the Tug river. This is the river that divided the Hatfields and McCoys and when we attended church there in Turkey Creek on Sunday morning there were descendants of both families in house. I very quickly announced my neutrality. See you in Georgia my brother.
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Re: Reunion

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed Jul 31, 2013 1:48 pm

Mike McCardell sent me the link below of photos taken at the BUilding Dedication Ceremony at this year's reunion. Great Photos....I may have to steal some of these and incorporate them into our Reunion Photos page!!i=2489780180&k=HNPj3kv
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