Msgt R Maushardt

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Msgt R Maushardt

Postby dan crawford » Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:26 pm

I'm sure that I'm in the right place. I'm looking for E Co. LRRP 50th Inf. This is regarding Top Msgt Robert Maushardt. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
dan crawford
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Re: Msgt R Maushardt

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Jun 27, 2009 2:18 pm

The 75th Rangers (Vietnam Era) Association is where you want to look. Specifically, I would contact Rick Stetson, who is the "E" Company Unit Director. His e-mail address is very I just communicated with him on the 9th of this month (June).
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: Msgt R Maushardt

Postby dan crawford » Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:21 pm

Thank you for your quick response. That is the correct person as I saw that name on a photograph. Thanks for the help.
dan crawford
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