Wife off to Hawaii to visit Bill and Linda Payne

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Wife off to Hawaii to visit Bill and Linda Payne

Postby Tom Clark » Sat Nov 03, 2012 6:52 pm

Yes, I let my wife go visit with Linda Payne for 10 days while I hold down the fort here in Florida. They have all kinds of things planned that I really don't want to be involved in so I told her to go. Bill is retireing soon so they will be leaving Hawaii in December. Bill is busy and has alot of things going on so I decided not to go, but I know the women will have fun. They are planning on coming to the reunion this year at Ft. Benning.
The season is coming on us to either make up some packages for the troops or maybe a donation to Loretta to help with the expense's would be nice.
Remember all our fellow comrades here and abroad this Veterans Day, I continuously think of them all, here and departed. God Bless Them All.
Tom and Diana Clark
Tom Clark
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