Sister of Charlie Aaron - KIA 5 May 1970

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Sister of Charlie Aaron - KIA 5 May 1970

Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:01 am

I received an e-mail from Charles "Charlie" "Red" Aaron's sister, Linda Pahl.

She has decided to reach out to members of the 50th Infantry...specifically men who knew her brother. I have her phone number on file & she has given permission to distribute same to anyone who knew "Charlie". Off the top of my head, I know Bob Camors and Mike Chisam knew him.

I am going to send her a note explaining that I have posted this message & also explaining to her about our wreath laying memorial ceremony every two years.

Contact me if you would like to have her phone number. Her e-mail address is:
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Re: Sister of Charlie Aaron - KIA 5 May 1970

Postby pchisam » Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:50 pm

Jim -- Thanks.

I wrote Red's sister a note. I am still waiting for a reply.

Thanks again.

Mike Chisam
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Re: Sister of Charlie Aaron - KIA 5 May 1970

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:53 pm

Aaron's sister obviously has a hard time with the tragic memories of her brother's death. When she contacted me recently, she had just visited "The Wall" in Washington and was feeling guilty for not reaching out to the men of the 50th Infantry who knew her brother. It may still be difficult for her to "pull the trigger" on a response to a message. Let us know if she responds!
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Re: Sister of Charlie Aaron - KIA 5 May 1970

Postby Frenchy » Wed Jul 18, 2012 1:41 pm


Seeing is as I was also from Massachusetts I had often talked with Red , Charlie Aaron.
Even though I only new him a short while, it really hit me hard especially because
I was still rattled from the may 3rd attack.

Yours, Frenchy
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