Get off your Ass,get a job,quit living off the government!

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Re: Get off your Ass,get a job,quit living off the government!

Postby bbontemps » Wed Nov 30, 2011 10:49 am


The title of your article (which was removed befor I read it) intrigued me, so I had to comment this morning before I get to work.

Here in central Illinois, our Goodwill Industries has three programs to serve homeless veterans: Homeless Veterans Reintegrtation Program (HVRP) federal funding, Veterans Employment Act Program (VEAP) state funding, and our General Wayne A. Downing Home for Veterans which is funded by federal, state, and local contributions.

All of these veterans programs are in support of our mission, "Supporting individuals and families who are working to better their lives." Unfortunately we often see veterans who are looking only for a hand-out. We do not accept them into our programs. Our programs are only for those who are willing to make changes in their lives, and in this effort, we offer them a hand-up.

It takes a lot of support to help a veteran (or anyone) who has been homeless to make changes, but this is part of our challenge. Yes, some do need a kick in the a--, but often they need support to help them through the tough road to recovery; someone who will give them a job, a second and maybe a third chance, and someone who knows they will make mistakes and who can direct them to get the professional help they need.

Yes, there are all kinds of people out there, but we try to focus on those who want to better themselves. You know how we all were treated when we returned home back in the 60"s. Now is the time for us to turn the table and try to help those who have served our country.

Hope this message finds you well on a Wednesday morning. Have a great day.

"Cigar Man" or "Photo 1" Bontemps
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Posts: 43
Joined: Tue Oct 20, 2009 2:29 pm

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