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Postby Bob Bihari » Tue Oct 04, 2011 5:50 am

I don't know if any of you have seen this, but I'm just passing it along to help find photos of our Brothers who lost their lives.
History Channel & the VVMF are looking for photos for Vietnam Vets Memorial:

Help VVMF and HISTORY® Honor Service Members Memorialized on The Wall

They are missing around 35,000 of the 58,175 soldiers.

Take care .......
A Company '68. WIA An Bao

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Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Oct 13, 2011 3:52 am

I sometimes get caught up in Facebook and forget that many do not have same....and things get "omitted" that should be here.

Last Saturday I took a ride to Scranton, PA. One of our KIAs was from there and we had no photo of him. Since his name was Murphy, efforts to find family went nowhere (Too many murphys!). The reason for my drive was that I saw that the "Travelling Wall" was scheduled to be there all weekend. I printed out our Murphy's Memorial page and put the three pages in a cheap frame...with a note attached that our Association was looking for a photo and family members who knew "B" Company's James Murphy...and left this at the wall under Murphy's Panel.

Yesterday, I got very positive results. A former high school classmate called me to tell me she would e-mail me a copy of his high school yearbook photo AND she gave me the phone number of one of his brothers!

I called Paul Murphy today and we had a nice chat about his older brother. I will be in touch with him and the rest of the Murphy Family to inform them of our memorial efforts...both on the website and at Fort Benning.

The new photo is in place on Murphy's memorial page:

The photo has also been sent to the VVMF web have all our other existing KIA photos.
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Postby Randy Smith » Tue Jan 03, 2012 3:47 pm

Jim I was in the 67th EVAC hospital in Qhin Nhon when Murphy was brought in. He was on the bottom floor all the way to the back of the ward and I went to see him. He had many schrappnel wounds and had tubes in his throat and could not speak and was doing poorly but was aware that I was there. I talked to him for a while and not wanting to wear him out I left with the promise to come back the next day. I returned the following morning and as I walked past the nurses station they smiled and nodded. I talked to Murphy and he seemed greatly improved. He gave indications through eye movements and small nods that he was aware of what I was saying. Again, not wanting to be too taxing on his strength I left with the promise to return the next day. When I entered the ward the next day I noticed that as I walked by the nurses station they didn't look at me and smile and nod as they had the day before. They were looking down and I assumed that they were just too busy. As I turned the corner into the room at the back of the ward I immediately saw that Murphy's bed had been made up and he was gone. I looked back at the nurses station and saw that they were all watching me but as soon as I looked back they all looked down and busied themselves with something. I walked back past the nurses and nothing was said, nothing needed to be said. I wondered how many times they had been through this same ordeal and I thought, GOD bless you Murphy, and GOD bless these nurses.
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Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed Jan 04, 2012 6:37 pm

I took the liberty of sending a copy of Randy's post to James Murphy's brother Paul in Scranton, PA.

His Response:


It makes me feel good knowing that so many people were so kind
to my brother in his time of need.

Thank you all!
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Jim Sheppard
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