Off-Topic: DTV transition tomorrow (Friday June 12)

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Off-Topic: DTV transition tomorrow (Friday June 12)

Postby RJ_Smith » Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:42 pm

Just a reminder to all -- broadcast TV stations across the US will stop analog signals tomorrow morning. All signals will be digital. This will affect you only if you use an antenna to tune stations out of the air and your TV does not have a digital tuner (more than 2 or 3 years old, likely).

If you have cable or satellite, you're ok. Even if you don't have digital cable, you're ok. Cable companies can still transmit analog cable, just not over the air. Key word there being "cable" :D.

And -- if you need a DTV box and don't have one, and didn't get the $40 coupon, I have one I can send for the price it cost me ($10).
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