"Big John" Carter

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"Big John" Carter

Postby Harry Wilson » Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:55 pm

COL John B. Carter, who served as Battalion Commander in Vietnam from July 1968 to December 1968, died in his home town of Philadelphia on January 14, 2011 after a long illness. He was known as "Big John" and was a fine and fair commander, and proud of his service with the 1/50th. He leaves behind a wife and two daughters. His obituary and internet guest book can be found at http://www.kirkandniceinc.com/obituarie ... r-90636771. If you knew him, consider leaving a note in the guest book.
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Re: "Big John" Carter

Postby Jim Sheppard » Wed Feb 09, 2011 11:25 pm

I am putting together a memorial page for our website & have downloaded a bunch of photos of Col. Carter from the Funeral Home web site. I am also in the middle of notifying all the KIA families of our upcoming reunion....so I might not get Carter's memorial obituary up for another week.

If anyone is planning on attending the service at Arlington on Monday Morning, March 7th, please contact me...as I am seriously considering attending.

I will definately be attending the service in Philadelphia...so if anyone is planning on going to that on Saturday, the 5th of March...let me know as well.
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