reunion need details ranger school

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reunion need details ranger school

Postby john nichols » Thu Jan 06, 2011 12:26 am

i told my granddaughter that i think we where going to ranger school. i told her she could go up the amazon river, climb Mount Everest anytime. that this would be her only chance to see ranger school. in fact she would not meet anyone in her whole life that got such a invite. also any chance that we well go back to the electric machine gun and rife range. i also found a place on craigslist under Columbus weekly rentals that looks nice. i'm thinking about booking 2 weeks and do day trips around Georgia and Florida .if my granddaughter goes she will fly in & out. but i'm driving from Los Angeles. i could pick some up if your not to far out of the way. i have never seen the Mississippi river i plan on driving to new Orleans, to Memphis or Vice Versa if someone wants to hook up me for day trips in the south and help pay gas that would be great i may do a over night to Tampa i may drink one night at the reunion but i don:t want hook up with anyone thats wants to have beer in the car while were driving. i could use tips from you guys that live in the south on what to see. Parker pierce gave me a good tip last trip the varsity in atlanta. ill probably post more next week under off topics my email is or call me at home after 6pm ca. time
john nichols
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Re: reunion need details ranger school

Postby JAT » Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:05 pm

I was on the phone several times with Benning folks yesterday and Ranger's In Action/graduation is still scheduled for Friday morning, 29 April at 1000. Everything else is falling into place as well. I just got the newsletters from the printer and will address and stamp them tonight while watching the Colts beat up on the Jets.
John Topper
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