David Parker Friend Found

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David Parker Friend Found

Postby Jim Sheppard » Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:29 pm

"Out of the blue", yesterday, I received a phone call from a Dave Johnson, now of Tennessee, but formerly from Minnesota and a childhood friend of our "D" Company's David Parker, KIA January 31, 1968. I know Mick Hawkins will want to be in touch with this guy. He's fun to talk to and has a million memories of Dave Parker.

He has promised to dig up a photo of Parker for us! The only photo I have is the one of the heavy weapons guys and Parker is standing behind someone and not visible...so this will be a great addition if Mr. Johnson comes through. Sad to say that many people promise to send photos and never do. All those names have no faces for posterity.

I'm going to send him copies of the documentation I have on the battle, although it sounds as though he has seen the commendation for Parker's Bronze Star & he is somewhat familiar with the circumstances.

Dave Johnson's e-mail address is highontennessee@hotmail.com
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Re: David Parker Friend Found

Postby George Borges » Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:55 pm

Hi Jim, George Borges here, On Jan 31st 1968,Iwas with David L. Parker when he was hit. We call in a medivac for him. The medic that took care of him was Melendez. I remember that day like it was yesterday.that will always be burnt in my mind .God Bless David L.Parker. We losted a good man that day.He is always on my mind. REST IN PEACE PARTNER.
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Re: David Parker Friend Found

Postby mick hawkins » Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:38 pm

Geo. David Parker was on the 50 cal on Mickey 1 had day. I was on the left 60 and Derowitch was on the right 60, Sgt. Geo Bell was in the back of the APC .
There were two others with us were you one of these? I do not remember who was driving and there was someone with Bell.,

B company was on the north of the village were we had engaged the NVA and we took thier place and they moved around to flank the NVA when they did one of their men was hit and Derowitch and some one else from the APC went to help him the nva rolled out a big 51 I think to flank B Company and when they seen us they opened fire on us./ Geo I think David Parker was hit by this 51 . The reason is the whole top of his head was gone I'm not sure a AK 47 would do this.

Were you with us Geo. or another APC ? Melendez, Geo Bell, Geo. Borges, Myself will be at the reunion we'll have to get together on this. I'm not sure Danny Scott is coming but him and Parker were the best of friends.

I talked to Dave Johnson for about an hour. He reminds me a lot of David Parker. They were very good friends and he said he might come to the reunion. He is also going to get ahold of David Parkers sisiter.

The B company guy was KIA I'm not sure if he was already dead when Derowitch and the other guy got there or not. They should have got a medal as there was shooting all around and they went out. There is only one other guy we show kia that date. not sure if this is the guy or not we will have to get with some b company guys and find out.

We shot at the 51 at first then stopped as the 51 was between us and B company and we didn't want to shoot at them.

See you later buddy

Mick Hawkins
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Re: David Parker Friend Found

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:54 am

Killed on the 31st of January, 1968, were Dave Parker and Melvin Williams From "D" Company and Archie Burnette from "B" Company. Williams was uncovered in our recent KIA file update. His name will be added to our site sometime after the reunion.
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Re: David Parker Friend Found

Postby Barbara Anne » Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:03 am

Archie Burnette is from my hometown....
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