Pearl Harbor Day

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Pearl Harbor Day

Postby snodinak » Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:11 am

Today is Dec 8th, one day after Pearl Harbor Day. Today, I think back on many things, but of course number one is sixty nine years ago, we were brought into a battle we were trying to avoid, started by the bombing at Pearl Harbor in the morning hours of Dec 7th, 1941. 2402 lives were sacrificed that day. We should never forget.

Since then, we have fought many battles we should also not ever forget. Many of you were involved in one or more of them; some of you still are. 58,193 US servicemen and women were killed in action in Vietnam, we should not forget. The number of casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan to date is 5,850 US troops. I hope we will never forget. These are our brothers and sisters fighting for freedom; not always just our freedoms but also those of our allies.

On September 11th, 2001 we were attacked on our own land. 2752 victims were killed that day. It is sad that so many Americans sit back in their easy chairs and have forgotten that dreadful day. They have forgotten what it means to be free because they always have been and think they always will be and have no idea what freedom in America is really about.

We will always have battles to overcome. I just want to thank each one of you who have served, had a family member serve or still do. God bless each and every one of you. You are the backbone of our great nation.

As we have just passed Thanksgiving, and approaching Christmas, please keep our men and women in your prayers for their safety and well being. Our prayers are important. Thanks for remembering them each and every day, not just at holiday times, but mostly now. It is a tough time to be away from family at either end of the spectrum and many are just that, many miles apart.

God Bless each one of you and thanks again for your service, Bill Lowe
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Re: Pearl Harbor Day

Postby bbontemps » Thu Dec 09, 2010 10:45 pm

Well spoken, Bill
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Posts: 43
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