I am back

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I am back

Postby Terry p. gauthier » Mon May 31, 2010 2:30 am

I have been out of touch for a while. I have had a few problems but i am back in contact. On this memorel day we must remember our fallen scouts virgil hamilton and jerome collins because they died on hte 29th. On this sad day we lost 2 good guys. they will always be on my mind and my heart now and for ever. God bless all of you and keep safe.
Terry p. gauthier
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Posts: 2
Joined: Sun May 30, 2010 6:10 pm

Re: I am back

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon May 31, 2010 9:37 am


I got your e-mail with your new e-mail address. Send me your new mailing address as well & I will see that Quint gets it.

7 were dusted off that day...also KIA from the ambush, which was on the 30th of May, 1969, was Steven Craig Owen. He was one of the 5 wounded on the 30th and died of his woulds on the 31st. The Scouts had a Claymore blown on them by two VC...one of whom was killed by return fire and the second was captured. I have completed memorial pages for all three of these men and only lack a photo of Collins. Collin's has no family or friend contact information as the only family member lead we had was a nephew's e-mail address which no longer works.
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: I am back

Postby Terry p. gauthier » Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:23 pm

Jim my new address is 519 springhill rd popularville , miss. 39470 . it is good to be back in contact with all of you. It sure eases my mind with my diabetes out wack and my ptsd it has been a strugle. thank you. forever goat
Terry p. gauthier
New poster
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun May 30, 2010 6:10 pm

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