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Postby gladys » Fri May 28, 2010 12:29 pm

41 years ago he was taken from me--thanks to you guys he will always be remembered
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Re: remembering

Postby rpaulc » Sat May 29, 2010 11:13 pm

Today I made one of my trips to the grave of Spec 4 Donny Stephenson (KIA 5 May 1968) in Wheel, Tennessee. I replaced the flags I put there back in the winter, had a short conversation with him, and headed home. It was not so sad for me this year. Going to the reunion last year and meeting so many of you men that were there with him has given me a new peace and a new perspective, and a real sense of what was really important back then...the affection and respect that you shared with one another as soldiers...the fact that you were all willing to sacrifice yourselves to save one another. My thoughts are with the families of all who were lost and also with those who survived and continue to honor their lost comrades through this association. God Bless you all.

Paul Cross
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