Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Parade, London, KY

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Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Parade, London, KY

Postby Wardoc » Mon May 17, 2010 9:58 am

On October 9th. 2010 the Southeastern City of London, KY. (Exits 38 & 41/ I-75) will honor the Vietnam Veterans with a huge Parade, it expected that more than 100,000 will be in attendance, 25-35,000 Motor Cyclist ( Rolling Thunder, Some Gave All, Patriot Riders, etc.) the city has allowed the Parade route to cover the entire U S HWY 25 of the City from the State Police Barracks to the Southern end of town (HWY 192) appox 7miles.

The Vietnam Memorial "MOVING WALL" will be on display at the South Laurel County High School front lawn from the 7th thru the 11th of October.

There will be a Concert for the Veterans on the North end of town, 40 acres have been provided for the Concert on Saturday the 9th. and the Memorial Service on Sunday.

All Vietnam & Vietnam Era Veterans are encouraged to come, along with the families of those passed.
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