Sgt. Harbison

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Sgt. Harbison

Postby Carolyn Herr » Sat May 08, 2010 9:55 pm

It was 42 years ago today that Sgt. Maj. Castleman and Col. Huddleston came to my front door to deliver the news that the love of my life, Sgt. Sherron Harbison, had been killed in the line of duty on May 5. It is a day that I will remember with tears as long as I live. Thanks to Sgt. Barnes last contribution to the website, I now know he did not suffer and that he died beside your beloved Lt. Webb.
Carolyn Herr
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Re: Sgt. Harbison

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sun May 09, 2010 4:41 am


Thank you for posting on our board in remembrance of Sherron Harbison.

Sometime in the coming months, former Captain Jay Copley (Retired) will receive the Distinguished Service Cross for his efforts that ultimately brought "C" Company in to save Wendell Barnes and the others from "A" Company on May 5th, 1968. Please be in touch with me & I will keep you posted on the details. At this time, although we had hoped the award would be presented at the change of command ceremony scheduled for June appears the neccesary preliminaries will not be completed in time....hence, a ceremony date is now "unconfirmed". I know many of the survivors of that battle plan to attend, when a date is set...and I am sure you would be a most welcome guest if you can manage the trip.

We are also hoping you may be able to supply us with a photo of your former husband for his new memorial page...recently completed:

I wrote to you approximately 2 weeks ago and received no response. Possibly you did not receive my e-mail.

Please know that SGT Harbison will not be forgotten while we are all still living....and it is our hope that his legacy of heroism will live on through our memorial efforts in the years after we all finally join him.


Jim Sheppard, Association Historian
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Jim Sheppard
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