Anyone remember Tom Donovan?

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Anyone remember Tom Donovan?

Postby Jim Sheppard » Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:17 pm

I have been communicating with the family of Charlie Company's Tom Donovan, Killed March 23rd, 1968, in an attack near the Northeastern boundary of the Nui Mieu Mountains off highway 505.

The Daily Staff Journal lists an initial report that 7 were wounded, 3 serious and 4 minor. Were any of you one of these casualties? (Tom died of his wounds.... we believe shortly after dustoff) Tom was Third Platoon, 1st Squad.

If anyone remembers any specifics of that battle, please contact Jim Sheppard.

Remember that I have plenty of official documentation on the event....I am looking for personal remembrances of the action.
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Jim Sheppard
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