jim sheppard

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jim sheppard

Postby gladys » Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:40 pm

went to pay my respect to jim at the funeral home, we had a mini reunion he is doing good
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Re: jim sheppard

Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Apr 22, 2010 1:03 pm

What an unexpected and wonderful surprise! Gladys represented you all wonderfully by showing up at the viewing in Richmond. I had not seen Gladys for about 5 years...and was totally NOT expecting her to viasit...so I did not recognize her at first. It was my honor to introduce her to many of my family and by brothers friends. Thank you Gladys!

Since our Association has grown about ten-fold since Gladys's heavy involvement in it's early days, we tend to overlook all she has done for us. Gladys has travelled to "The Wall" in Washington, DC, to obtain etchings of all our men killed in action. We have plans to scan them all and incorporate the etchings onto each man's memorial page.

Gladys has missed the last two reunions due to unavoidable family matters...but promises to try to attend in 2011 when we add 7 names and "rededicate" our memorial at the new Battalion HQ at Fort Benning.
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