Reunion date approaching!

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Reunion date approaching!

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat May 30, 2009 9:22 am

Although I am in the middle of moving, I noticed today that Tommorrow is the end of May....and our reunion is just a little over two months away!

Although I have not sent in my's at the top of my list of "things to do" when I finish moving and get settled in at my new home in June.

Partly to help get people posting on the new boad...and partly out of curiousity to see who will be me...have not yet sent in their about posting here if you are serious about attending the reunion...but have not yet sent in your registration?

Gary Quint informs that there are "thirty-something" already registered (I have not kept track).
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Jim Sheppard
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Re: Reunion date approaching!

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat May 30, 2009 9:30 am

By the way...pictured in my "Avatar"...or the little postage stamp picture associated with my name: That's me after basic training, which I completed with Charlie Company, 1/50th in February of 1966. I'm sitting on top of my 65cc Honda! Hey! It's a ride!....and was all the rage in the sixties.


I recall that I was one of the first to make the big upgrade from 50cc to 65! ~grin~ I never dreamed, after starting my Basic Training with the first batch of trainees the battalion received in late 1965...that I would spend all but a few months of my three year enlistment with the 50th. I had enlisted for 3 years after being drafted to avoid the infantry...but once I arrived within the battalion, I stayed (That's the short story)...and now I consider that extra year and "RA" status as one of my most memorable life's experiences.
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Re: Reunion date approaching!

Postby George Borges » Sun May 31, 2009 9:57 am

Hi Jim :D George Borges here I'll be at reunion,I know it's not easy now a day's with the economy the way it is.But I reached in to my little nickle an dime jar.This year I'm bringing my step son with me .to see what brotherhood is all about.SEE EVERYONE IN AUG. George
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Re: Reunion date approaching!

Postby mick hawkins » Sun May 31, 2009 11:56 am

It is great to hear Geo Borges is coming . I heard from Russ Roth and he said him and Bob Melendez are coming will be great to see both of them again.
I will be there bring my son-n-law again.

I'm going to try and get Danny Scott to come with me but Danny is going to be a grandpa and I'm not sure how that is going to play out. Some one said Lt. Tilton is coming. I hope that is right .

Sure wish Lt. Blockenburger would come. Has anyone heard from him? Last I knew he moved to AZ. I think Geo. Bell will be there I hope they are both there.

I think Russ is coming by Texas and him and Bob will be traveling together. I think they would run the south interstate not sure if that would be 10 or 55 but if anyone wants to join in I'm sure they wouldn't mind.


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Re: Reunion date approaching!

Postby Russ Roth » Sun May 31, 2009 3:25 pm

mick hawkins wrote: I think Russ is coming by Texas and him and Bob will be traveling together. I think they would run the south interstate not sure if that would be 10 or 55 but if anyone wants to join in I'm sure they wouldn't mind.

That's the plan. We haven't decided on a route yet but hope we might be able to meet up with some others on the way and caravan into town.
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Re: Reunion date approaching!

Postby terry gauthier » Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:11 am

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Re: Reunion date approaching!

Postby Randy Smith » Sat Jun 06, 2009 7:45 pm

I will be at the reunion and Toby Milroy is trying to make plans to come with me but not sure yet about that. He is Commander of our local VFW and has a parade the 9th of August that has been continuing since WWII. If we leave Friday the 7th late we would be back in time if he has everything organized before then. We will know more later but I hope Toby can make it with me. See you guys then, Randy.
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Re: Reunion date approaching!

Postby Glen Nicholls » Sun Jun 07, 2009 4:32 pm

I'm planning my trip now. Bringing my son Racer. We learned that he has a photographic memory, for stories, so he can help me remember everything that happens.
Racer has also listened to me talk on the phone with some former SRAPs (Rick Hambley, John Smerdon, MSG Holloway, and Ben Moreno) and he now remembers the stories better than I do. This could come in handy when the "Old Timers" disease gets too advanced.
Are there any other SRAPs attending?
Nick out
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