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Looking for men who fought at Dai Dong - December 7, 1967

PostPosted: Sat Sep 28, 2024 3:53 pm
by Jim Sheppard
I received the following email today from Dr Barry Tishler, Son of the late Thomas Bouchard who fought at Dai Dong with the 1/8 Cav on December 7th, 1967. Please be in touch with him if you were there and recall the incident.

On Sat, Sep 28, 2024 at 3:08 PM Barry T <> wrote:

My name is Barry and I am Thomas Bouchard's son. On December 7 1967 he saved a bunch of guys from the 50th when he gained control of a disabled APC and then went on to eliminate enemy bunkers while driving them to safety. For his efforts and subsequent re-attack immediately after he received the Silver Star and then the Distinguished Service Cross for his actions on that day and during operation Pershing with 1/8. I am looking for the men on the APC that day...

Can you please help and reach out to your members and possibly see if we can locate anyone there that day?

Thank you so much and thank you for your service.

Dr. Barry Tishler

Re: Looking for men who fought at Dai Dong - December 7, 196

PostPosted: Mon Oct 07, 2024 11:20 am
by BarryT
Here is some more info on the battle and my father Bullet Bouchard- ... .12.7.html ... rd101.html

If you were there or new someone please contact me and thank you all for your service!


Re: Looking for men who fought at Dai Dong - December 7, 196

PostPosted: Mon Oct 07, 2024 12:46 pm
by BarryT
0915. 1/8 Cav attacks entrenched enemy- pulled back because they encountered stiff enemy resistance.
1230. Delta Co. 1/50 Mech released from 2nd Bde, OPCON to 1/8. Both D 1/50 and A& B 1/8 Cav attack the enemy.
1406. D 1/50 ,A&B 1/8 Cav and flame thrower APCs of the 1/50 successful in penetrating the initial enemy bunker and trench network. Several troops of the 1/50 and 1/8 hit by friendly gunship fire ... 7_1968.htm