D Company

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D Company

Postby harley hawkins » Sun Nov 20, 2022 10:04 am

Went to Branson on veterans day weekend always a good time I meet a retired officer in the Army and somehow we got to talking about how good leadership was in combat . I told him I thought our plt. heavy weapons in D company was about the best and the reason our squad leaders had all been to Vietnam before and our plt. sgt. was a Korea vet. and our officers were very good and it showed up when we got into a fire fight. We talked for a long time and my wife had to come and get me as the show was about ready to start . His son was in the military as was his grandson super guy .
I have a sign hanging in my office at work which reads. ( We do the difficult Immediately The Impossible takes a little longer ) kind of reminds me of D company.

Have a great Thanksgivings

Harley Mick Hawkins
harley hawkins
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