Albert Oehler - Possibly "D" Company

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Albert Oehler - Possibly "D" Company

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sun Dec 05, 2021 1:16 pm

I was contacted by Albert Oehler of West Seneca (Buffalo), NY, with a request to enter his email address on our Email page. He does not remember what Company he was in, but says: "I was wounded when an enemy dropped a grenade into my APC...and I arrived home on December 24th". He went over with us on the Pope...and shows as an 11 Bravo (PFC) in HQ Company in October of 1967. I suspect he was wounded during the battles of Tam Quan....and I also suspect he was in D Company when wounded.

Does anyone remember this man? Contact me or send him an email at:
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Jim Sheppard
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