Louis Frisbie

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Louis Frisbie

Postby harley hawkins » Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:06 am

It is with a sadden heart I report that Louis Frisbie passed away June 6th 2021 . Louis lived at Shawnne Oklahoma were he farmed and enjoyed his cattle . Louis was a member of the 1st and 50th and attended many reunions with his wife Carolyn . Louis was with D company 1st and 50th with the heavy weapons before being RTO for D company.
Louis will be missed by all his 1st and 50th brothers RIP my friend.

Harley Mick Hawkins
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Re: Louis Frisbie

Postby RJ_Smith » Tue Jul 20, 2021 11:22 am

Very sorry to hear this, Mick. I found his Obituary online here:

https://www.fhwsolutions.com/obituaries ... e-obituary
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