COVID 19 vaccinations

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COVID 19 vaccinations

Postby Harry Wilson » Mon Jan 11, 2021 10:40 am

All, The VA is now scheduling the COVID 19 vaccinations for veterans. They have the shots. I would suggest calling your local VA hospital. I did, and am scheduled for the first shot on Friday. The call waiting was not too bad. Good luck. Harry
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Re: COVID 19 vaccinations

Postby Jim Sheppard » Thu Jan 14, 2021 1:29 pm

Glad to hear that Harry. Here in Florida, my local VA is doing a great job as well. I got bumped down since I have not enrolled here...keeping my VA Doctor in NJ, so I had to put in a request. I am on my local waiting list and am told I will get an appointment within 2 weeks. Apparently, our VA is doing a great job nationwide. Many states (In the private sector) are not doing as well as there was poor to little planning on how to distribute and vaccinate once the vaccines were distributed by the Federal government. I am looking forward to being vaccinated and free to return to a normal life. The speed with which vaccinations are completed will definitely affect whether or not we will be able to have our reunion in June.

I am hoping we can, but am willing to accept a later date if necessary. I hope everyone is using common sense and staying safe. We have lost a few of our members to this insidious virus...and quite a few have been infected and, fortunately recovered.
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