Cancer Treatment

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Cancer Treatment

Postby D Parker » Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:56 am

Happy labor day this is David Parker
I want to ask a question to the association members. I am getting ready for treatment of Prostate Cancer. I had my prostate removed three years ago. Unfortunately it didn't get rid of the cancer PSA is rising. Treatment now is hormones and radiation. Has any member had to have this kind of treatment? If you have what did you have to endure as far as the hormone therapy. I am trying to just have radiation and skip the hormone therapy for now, from what i have read about hormone therapy it sounds like a real pain in the keaster. Does anyone have first hand experience they would like to share.
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Re: Cancer Treatment

Postby Russ Roth » Tue Sep 03, 2019 9:06 pm


Sorry to hear this. I believe my wife and I chatted with you the last day of reunion as we were leaving. I too have prostate cancer and mine was not found until it had jumped ship and was in lymph nodes. That changes everything and now in the last few months no more meds to take as I have blown through them pretty fast. At one point research meds were mentioned and I said sounds OK to me. I got hooked up with Julie Graf, OHSU (Oregon Health Sciences University) research Doc. I was up for one go round but blood markers not correct and I was kicked to the curb on that one. Now she says this go round I am a perfect candidate. Since the first group of 28 had 5 complete cures I said sign me up!!! More to this even yet but won't go into it unless someone wants more info. This is some type of autoimmune therapy. I know this really doesn't help answer your questions but might give you something to ask your Docs about.

RR (Doc Roth)
Russ Roth
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