Al Smith Found!

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Al Smith Found!

Postby Jim Sheppard » Sat Feb 20, 2010 10:21 pm

I took a ride today to try to find Al Smith up in Dingmans Ferry, PA. It's about a 3 hour drive...mostly along the Delaware River in scenic rolling hill country. When I got up there, I found that the phone number I had no longer works...but I did get a lead on his street...and, since it was a gated area, the security people called the house he owns. He does not live there now, but is in FLorida! They gave me the number and I called him. If I hadn't driven up there..there's no way I would have found him!

He gave me his phone number, e-mail (Also updated his e-mail on our e-mail page), and new address...and he is coming to the next Fort Benning Reunion. He couldn't believe we had Jim TIlley's son there with us! He and Tilley were close.

He asked me to give out his information to anyone who asks. I will be sending it to everyone I can think of from Charlie Company during the first year. Al was wounded at the Holloween Firefight and again at An Bao.
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Jim Sheppard
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